Our mission is to function as a bridge production company for people and cultures all over the world. By looking at problems from all perspectives, our diverse staffs' disparate cultural values and skills form a synergy of creative ideas. By applying that creativity and experience we accomplish our goal.

CEO Daisuke Nagasawa

• Master Web Analytics Consultants certified by Web Analytics Consultant Association (WACA)
• Senior Marketing Analytics Consultant certified by Japan Marketing Literacy Association (JMLA)
• Many years of experience in the IT and game industry
• Teaching at IT schools and seminars
• Experience in international culture, human resources and business
• His books include "Standard Web literacy", "IT& Digital Workers` English" and "The AI Startup Bible" among many other technical books and journals specific to the IT industry.








The followings are the Company's measures for the protection of personal information.
• (1) Company's custody and management of personal information of its customers will comply with pertinent laws and regulations and other codes of practice of Japan.
• (2) Company will acquire the personal information of customers using lawful and ethical means. It will not use improper methods to acquire such information. It will give individual and public notice of its intended uses for personal information to the customers to whom such information relates. In the event that Verve Inc., needs to use such information for purposes other than those of which it has given notice, it will provide individual and public notice of the new purposes of use and obtain the customer's consent.
• (3) Company will implement appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access to or the loss, destruction, alteration, or disclosure of customers' personal information.
• (4) In the event that it entrusts the management of personal information to an outside party, Company will execute agreements with such party to ensure the necessary protection of such information and the proper supervision of such management.
• (5) In the event that it receives a request from a customer to disclose, correct, stop the use of, or delete that customer's personal information, Company will take the appropriate action after confirming that the personal information relates to the customer in question.
• (6) Except in the following events, Company will not disclose a customer's personal information to any third party:
Where the customer agrees to such disclosure.
Where the information is disclosed in a form whereby the customer cannot be identified (for example, in the form of statistical data).
Where Company is lawfully ordered by a judicial or government authority to disclose or submit such information.
• (7)Company will review and improve its measures for the protection of personal information on an ongoing basis.
Company collects personal information from its users of the Service to the extent necessary to achieve the following purpose;
Registration for Company and/or other service accounts;
Newsletter subscriptions, referral services, and other marketing surveys and email campaigns;
Customer support;
Otherwise through use of Company’s software, mobile or online services where personal information is required for use and/or participation.
In order to provide its customers with improved services, cookies may be used on websites maintained by Company. These cookies will not breach customer privacy. Websites where cookies are used will clearly indicate in advance the use intended for each cookie. Depending on the browser you use, you may be able to change its settings so as to inactivate the cookie function. As a consequence however you may not be able to access some or any of the services on Company’s web pages.
Links to other websites
Company accepts no liability for the personal information of customers on third party websites that are linked to websites maintained by Company.
Inquiries concerning personal information
For any inquiries or requests concerning your personal information (such as a request to Company to disclose, correct, stop the use of, delete your personal information or to notify you of the intended use of your personal information), please contact the department below for further details.
A&S Inc.
3-36-4 Honmachi, Shibuya-ku,
Tokyo 151-0071, Japan
Opening hours
10:00am - 19:00pm
Monday - Friday (public holidays excluded)
Contact: General Affair Department
Email: info@artandstrategy.co.jp
当社はIPA(独立行政法人 情報処理推進機構)が運営する「SECURITY ACTION」に賛同し、情報セキュリティ対策に取り組む二つ星企業として宣言しました。
「SECURITY ACTION」は中小企業自らが、安心・安全なIT社会を実現するために、情報処理推進機構(IPA)によって創設されました。
詳しくは「SECURITY ACTION自己宣言者」サイトをご参照ください。